Eastern Based Therapies | Waikiki Massage Therapy, Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Services

Waikiki Eastern Massage Therapy

Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that originates in Ancient China and is widely used throughout the world today. The basic principles of this practice are inserting very thin needles into pressure points throughout the body to relieve muscle tension, stress, and can aide greatly in healing muscle trauma. It is also used in the treatment of chronic pain, neurological problems, stroke rehabilitation and post surgical recovery. Spa Passion Massage Waikiki Hawaii offers acupuncture services to our patients either on its own or as a part of a larger therapeutic plan. This in combination with our full range of physiotherapy services offers our patients a wide range of options based on their comfort level and their needs.


Shiatsu practitioners have their own unique style of massage to break down energy blockages in the body and bring energy to areas where energy is deficient. Incorporating a variety of stretches into their manipulations to promote proper health and well-being in clients, shiatsu is a full body experience.

Our therapists will listen to your health concerns and provide solutions that will get you back on the road to health and happiness.

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Physical Therapy Treatment in Waikiki